Senior Tollywood actor Naresh has approached the police seeking a gun license. He conveyed his request to the SP of Puttaparthi Madhava Reddy to give him a gun license for his self-defense. Naresh’s house was attacked in February this year. On February 18, Naresh’s house in Gachibowli was attacked by some miscreants and a car parked in front of his house was damaged. Naresh approached the police regarding this matter and registered a case.
After so many days, Naresh approached the Puttaparthi police on Thursday (July 6) and requested for a gun license. This has become hot news now.
It is also a well-known fact that actor Naresh and his third wife (ex) Ramya Raghupathi have been at loggerheads for quite some time now. Naresh recently got married to his co-star Pavitra Lokesh with whose relationship was the cause of many Controversies.
Recently, the two actors, Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh came together to make a film based on their real-life incidents titled Malli Pelli. Naresh’s third wife (ex) Ramya Raghupathi even went to the court to stop the release of the film as the film unit had tried to show her wrongly in the film. Although the film, Malli Pelli had got a good craze it could not get the success at the box office.
In OTT, the film had gained some good popularity. Naresh’s Malli Pelli OTT rights were bought by both Amazon Prime and Aha and they both started streaming the film a few days back and the movie got a superb response in the OTT release. However, Naresh’s ex-wife filed a legal case on the film to stop its streaming on OTT platforms and due to this reason, the Amazon Prime Video has stopped the streaming but Aha Video is still streaming the movie.