During an interview with Open Heart With RK, Brahmaji shared a bit about his personal life. The actor who usually shies away from opening up too much about his personal life shared some interesting details about his marriage and kids.
Responding to his personal life, he said, “I fell in love with a beautiful Bengali girl and decided to get married to her. Before I married her, she had already had a marriage before that. I met her in Chennai and we immediately fell in love. I liked her a lot so I decided to tell my elders and then I got married to her.”
“At the time of marriage itself, she already had a son. When she already had a son, we thought why do we need to have children again? I thought to myself, is it necessary to have another child? That is when we decided that we do not want any more children.”
He further added, “That is the same boy that entered the Telugu Film Industry with O Pitta Katha.” It is very refreshing to our own actors have such progressive thoughts. We wish Brahmaji and his son, Sanjay Rao a successful career ahead in Tollywood.