It was already reported that senior actor and filmmaker Arjun Sarja made some strong allegations about young hero Vishwak Sen in a press meet with Telugu media a couple of days back. Arjun seemed very upset without Vishwak Sen’s reckless attitude and unprofessional behavior.
Responding to Arjun’s comments, Vishwak Sen last night at a filmy event said From Vellipomakey to Ori Devuda, he always worked with the young directors, and he believes in teamwork and tries to make the effect come out with the combined efforts.
Vishwak also said that he was always open to ideas from everyone within the team. He said that he agrees that he involves in the filmmaking process, but he’ll never interfere in other’s work. He said that he never walked out of the film. Furthermore, he informed that he asked to postpone the shoot for a day to discuss a few things.
Also, Vishwak said that agreed to do the film only because of sheer respect for Arjun as he has seen him since childhood like an inspiration, but later he understood that Arjun was not ready to change anything which he asked for, so he felt uncomfortable and doubtful regarding the film and hence opted out of the film.
As a reply to unprofessional actor comments from Arjun, Vishwak Sen said that he’s a very committed and professional actor. He said that he’s ready to walk away from the industry even if a light boy says that he is not committed to the work. Concluding his statement, Vishwak Sen asked for apologies from Arjun and his team if they felt insulted by him.
Actor Arjun – Vishwak Sen collaboration cancelled because of the creative differences between the actor and director, it is being said Actor Arjun has now found the replacement. It appears that Arjun feels that Hero Sharwanand will be the right choice for the film, and he also feels that the film’s range will get much bigger if Sharwa is the hero of the movie.
Actor Arjun is yet to narrate the script to Sharwanand. He is in plans to meet soon Sharwanand and will finalize the movie. We hope that this time everything will go smoothly and there will not be any controversy in this combination.