Mega Power Star Ram Charan is busy with two big-ticket movies Acharya and RRR. However, the shoot of Acharya has run into multiple troubles due to the Covid second wave and has been postponed for now. Even Ram Charan had to go into isolation recently after one of his personal staff succumbed to Covid recently. These factors have contributed to big delays in Acharya yet again. The movie is now looking to release in the August to October slot depending on the completion of Charan’s portion.
The unit of Acharya had recently announced that the release of the film is postponed for now. The announcement stated that a new date would be announced soon. The film was scheduled to release on May 13th. However, major portions to be filmed on Ram Charan are still in the balance. Although Charans’ role would be comparatively smaller in Acharya, his scenes are crucial to the story.
Directed by Koratala Siva, the movie is being jointly produced by Charan himself under the Konidela Production Company banner. The movie also stars Kajal Agarwal and in the lead role. Massive sets were erected in Marredumilli, Yellanadu, and Singareni Coal mines for some key scenes. This will be Chiranjeevi’s fourth on-screen collaboration with Charan after Magadheera, Bruce Lee, Khaidi no.150.