Megastar chiranjeevi’s Acharya trailer was released and failed to create the buzz. The movie has had enough elements to pull the megastar fans. Ram charan whose craze got doubled after RRR’s success is an added advantage to Acharya. Fans are dying to see father son combo from a long time. Though they did few scenes together in previous movies, Acharya is going to have them for more run time. And the trailer itself shows that they will have more scenes together. Acharya’s trailer is misleading in some sense and so the news came out that the team is planning for another trailer release.
As per the latest info Acharya makers are planning to cut another trailer and to release in the third week of April. The energy and punch is missing in the released trailer. So makers are trying to add few interesting elements to create some hype before the release. There are chances that new trailer will release in the pre release event. It is heard that third single is also likely to release very soon.