Tamil director-cinematographer KV Anand passed away on Friday in Chennai following a heart attack. He was 54. Anand started his career as a cinematographer with the Malayalam film Thenmavin Kombath. He worked as a cinematographer in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi industries. Anand’s only direct film as a cinematographer in Telugu was the Mohan Babu starter ‘Punya Bhoomi Naa Desam’ in 1995.
Anand suffered a heart attack at his residence in the early hours of Friday and managed to drive himself to a nearby hospital where he passed away at 3 am, as per reports. His death has sent shockwaves across the country, which is still mourning the death of comedy icon Vivek.
He made his debut as a director with Kana Kanaden and since then has made some big-budget successful films over the last decade. Films such as Ayan (Veedokkade), Ko (Rangam), Mattran (Brothers), Anegan (Anekudu) established him as a leading director in the Tamil industry. Anand’s films such as Veedokkade and Rangam were hugely popular in Telugu as well.
KV Anand’s last directorial outing was Kaappaan, which was his third collaboration with Suriya. The film had a huge supporting cast, including Mohanlal and Arya. It followed the efforts of a security officer, who fails to stop the assassination of the country’s Prime Minister. He then vows to avenge his boss’s death.
Both Tamil and Telugu industry colleagues and insiders have expressed shock and grief over his passing away.