Recently released Telugu films are set to hit OTT space on the same day. Aay and Committee Kurrollu which released and became sleeper hits will make the OTT appearance on 12th September along with disaster Mr. Bachchan.
Aay starring Narne Nithin and Mr. Bachchan starring Ravi Teja will stream in all south Indian languages on leading OTT Giant, Netflix. Committee Kurrollu will stream on ETV Win. Mr. Bachchan which released on August 15th amid good hype and expectations became a big disaster on the opening day itself. The film generated negative reviews and was trolled heavily. The lead Actor Ravi Teja and Director Harish Shankar had to return some of their remunerations to cover up the loss. Now the film chose to make an OTT stream in less than a month. It has to be seen how Mr. Bachchan attracts the OTT audience.
Aay and Committee Kurrollu hit the jackpot. Both had no hype or star power yet became big blockbusters after the release taking the advantage of Independece Day holidays this year. Aay grossed close to 15 crores worldwide whereas Committee Kurrollu grossed nearly 18 crores worldwide. These two will surely attract more audience after the OTT arrival.