Aamir Khan’s daughter, Ira Khan, ties the knot. 3rd January marked the wedding of actor Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan to her longtime partner and fiance, Nupur Shikhare. Nupur’s attire for his special day was unexpected, as he wore only a black vest and white shorts. At Taj Lands End, Bandra, Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani were shown by Aamir Khan welcoming them to the wedding venue.Aamir Khan’s daughter, Ira Khan, ties the knot.
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare signed their marriage papers in front of their closest friends and family. The wedding registration documents were being signed by Ira and Nupur in a video that was also shared on Instagram. Ira opted for a white attire for her special occasion, while Nupur opted out of traditional attire by wearing a black vest and white shorts. Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta stood behind the couple and pumped them up. Kiran Rao wore a golden silk sari and wore a green blouse as part of her ensemble. She was seen capturing the special moment on her mobile.
Aamir Khan was seen posing in a kurta and dhoti while wearing a saafa tie on his head. Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani were welcomed by him when they exited their car and entered the venue. Aamir and Mukesh also shared a hug. Nita received a greeting from Aamir and the group made their way inside. Nita Ambani looked stunning, in an emerald green sari for the occasion. The moment was caught by the paparazzi who were stationed near the venue, and it was uploaded to Instagram.