Bollywood Actor, Aamir Khan is currently working for his film, Sitaare Zameen Par. The Actor suffered a big set back with Laal Singh Chaddha previously. The film became a big box office disappointment and received trolls as well. The Actor appeared in a podcast interview with Actress Rhea Chakraborty recently. Aamir Khan has put high hopes on Sitaare Zameen Par which he expressed in the podcast.
Aamir Khan expressed that he did quite a few mistakes in his previous venture, Laal Singh Chaddha. He also told that they wouldn’t get repeated in Sitaare Zameen Par hoping that the film would become successful. He also expressed his dissatisfaction once with the way how his character was shown in Laal Singh Chaddha. This shows how the Actor feels bad this film and the character as well. Surprisingly, the film was a remake of Hollywood’s cult classic, Forrest Gump. But sadly the magic was not repeated here with Laal Singh Chaddha by Aamir Khan.
The Actor now looks hopeful of bouncing back with Sitaare Zameen Par which is also a remake of Spanish film, Champions. Champions is about a group of physically challenged people guided by a coach played by Aamir Khan which participates in a Basketball Championship. This film is being directed by R.S. Prasanna co-starring Genelia. The film is tentatively scheduled for release on 25th December this year. So, let’s wait and see how the film impresses.