Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan has come in great praise of Upendra and his upcoming film, UI The Movie. Aamir Khan took part in the shoot of Rajinikanth and Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Coolie recently. The Actor met Upendra who was also playing a pivotal role in the film and shared a video where the duo greeted each other. This video is going viral now on social media platforms.
Aamir said that he was a big fan of Upendra and opined that the trailer of his film, UI The Movie felt mind-blowing. He also added that he was blown away after watching the trailer and assured that the film will be a hit. This gesture of Aamir Khan is getting appreciated now on social media. Many felt that Aamir Khan was so humble and dearly towards Upendra.
On the other hand, Aamir Khan will be collaborating with Rajinikanth after nearly 29 years for Coolie. They both did a Hindi film, Aatank Hi Aatank which released in 1995 in which Rajinikanth played the role of Police. This will also be Aamir Khan’s Tamil debut film.