Prithviraj Sukumaran’s epic survival thriller film Aadujeevitham (titled The Goat Life in Telugu) has reached a new milestone lately. After a superb theatrical run, shattering multiple records of Malayalam cinema, this book adaptation has even surpassed the legendary KGF: Chapter 2 at the Kerala box office.
Within no time, Aadujeevitham has entered the elite INR 150 crore club, only the third Malayalam film to do so after Tovino Thomas’s 2018 (2023) and Manjummel Boys (2024). The film’s gross stands at an impressive INR 93 crore domestically and INR 57 crore at the overseas box office.
What a year for Mollywood! Three king-size blockbusters in a span of 30 days. Directed by Blessy, Aadujeevitham also stars Amala Paul; the music composed by A. R. Rahman, and it is based on a classic Malayalam novel of the same name.