Aadikeshava, Panjaa Vaishnav Tej’s latest film, was released this Friday. Let’s look at the film’s reviews, audience talk, Day 1 openings, and box office analysis. Directed by Sreekanth Reddy, the film also stars Sree Leela as the female lead, and it has become the biggest setback in her career. Aadikeshava reviews, audience talk, Day 1 openings, and box office analysis are as follows.
Aadikeshava Website Reviews:
Aadikeshava has received unanimous negative reviews from the websites. The average rating from the media is 2/5. The film is an outright disaster if we take the opinion of media reviewers.
Audience WOM: There is little difference between the audience’s word of mouth and media reviews for this film. Aadikeshava is carrying bad reports in all Centers.
Aadikeshava Day 1 Openings:
The film is off to a very poor start at the box office despite a good lead pair. The promotional content, like songs, failed big time to create any buzz, and in fact, they made a negative buzz around the film, which resulted in a very poor opening for the movie. The 1st day worldwide share of Aadikeshava is in the range of 1Cr.
Box office Analysis: There is no chance for the film to take any jump this weekend. Day 2 and Day 3 are expected to be in the range of the opening day or even less than that, as word of mouth is very bad. The film is expected to close under 3.5Cr, making it a colossal disaster.