Sharwanand and Rashmika starrer Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu had a disastrous opening day which released on March 4. The theatrical rights were sold at Rs 20 Crore. The film’s collection was not even close to 3 crore on it’s opening day. However the team pinned hopes on the weekend. But it too is proving them wrong by performing poor. The film’s fist weekend collections are around 7 crores which is one-third of the total theatrical business. There is also no chance for the film to breakeven considering it’s talk and run. This will be yet another disaster for Sharwanand.
Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu projected as a lady sentiment and family drama didn’t quite struck well with audience. The film majorly banked on the prior success of Tirumala Kishore’s Chitralahari. Sharwanand too would have considered doing a film with him wanting the same success in return. Devi Sri Prasad who composes chartbusters for Tirumala Kishore too became helpless. His songs didn’t sound good and the audio of the film too failed.
Sharwanand who already had many disasters would be the sole victim of the film’s failure. His wait for a hit still continues. He needs to rethink about the films he is choosing.