In very serious news coming from the Kannada Film Industry, producer MN Kumar has accused Sudeep on extremely serious grounds. According to his accusation, Sudeep has taken 9 crores in remuneration from the producer but has not met the requirements that were agreed upon.
According to the producer, Sudeep had signed an agreement with the producer about 8 years ago for a film in his own production house. As a result, he had given him a lump sum remuneration of 9 nine crore rupees for committing to the film.
But now the producer has alleged that Sudeep has cheated him by taking money from him. The said producer has also filed a complaint with the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce regarding the same. He further added that Sudeep avoided giving dates after taking the money from him.
He also went on to add that a further 10 lakh rupees were taken for the renovation of his kitchen.
In response to this, in classic Sudeep style, he has calmly responded with a tweet.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Sudeep has some exciting projects in his locker. He has a film with the Vikrant Rona director Anup Bhandari. And just a few days ago, a very interesting glimpse into the world of K46 was released.