Mega Power Star Ram Charan landed in Rajahmundry earlier and was mobbed by the fans at the airport. The ‘RRR’ actor was given a grand welcome and his arrival led to traffic blockages in various parts. He is in Rajahmundry for the third schedule of his next project with Shankar.
The star hero has joined the shoot which is going on in the villages of East Godavari. Villagers have lined up to catch a glimpse of movie shoot but tight security arrangements have been made to ensure 100% privacy.
Scenes involving Ram Charan and Srikanth are being shot at the moment. Actress Anjali is also a part of this schedule. Tamil actor/director SJ Suryah will be the antagonist in this film and he will join the film’s unit in the next schedule.
RC15 stars Kiara Advani opposite Ram Charan. The film has an ensemble cast of Srikanth, Jayram, Anjali, SJ Suryah, and Sunil. Dil Raju is bankrolling the project under Sri Venkateswara Creations and SS Thaman is composing music for this much-awaited film.