Harish Shankar and Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film has made a lot of noise on social media as well as amongst fans right from the day it was announced. There have been a lot of unverified speculations about the movie which Harish Shankar has rejected straight away on social media several times.
It is a known fact that Harish Shankar is one of the biggest Pawan Kalyan fans and gave him a huge blockbuster with Gabbar Singh. Harish always wants to give the best for Pawan Kalyan but he has been facing hurdles in executing his vision. Ever since Harish Shankar and Pawan Kalyan project was green signaled Pawan has continuously asked for the script changes and finally, both Pawan and Harish have okayed a script that is a combination of Vijay’s Theri and Harish’s original story.
Now the dirctor is demanding close to 100 days of call sheets whereas Pawan Kalyan wants to finish every movie in 30-45 days. The Power star must understand that a commercial movie can not be made in a very short time and now both director and Mythri Movies are unsure when they will be provided the 90 days. As per reports, Pawan is said to be giving a few days for the 1st Schedule but beyond that nothing is confirmed yet.