Suriya’s film directed by Karthik Subbaraj has been titled Retro which had its teaser released on Christmas. The teaser received a stunning response on social media. But the team committed a big blunder by not announcing its release date. The planned release date was for 10th April but it wasn’t announced. Now, this has been occupied by Ajith’s Good Bad Ugly.
The makers of Good Bad Ugly have officially announced that the film will arrive on 10th April. Rajinikanth’s Coolie is speculated to release on May 1st and Kamal Haasan’s Thug Life was announced for June. So, the Retro team must act quickly and come up with a release date. Preferring March month would be a good choice to avoid a clash with any film by having a solo release.
If they delay this response, some other film may take the slot. Suriya’s previous film, Kanguva too suffered big by not announcing the release date which was occupied by Vettaiyan. So, they must learn from this.
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