Megastar Chiranjeevi’s upcoming film Bhola Shankar is ready to be released in another 10 days on worldwide screens. The makers are doing aggressive promotions to keep the anticipation around the movie alive, and they have been quite successful. Now, the inside reports strongly suggest that the film’s theatrical business for Bhola Shankar will be done around 90 Crores.
In a few territories, the makers are planning to release the film on their own as of now, and a few areas have already been sold to other parties. Ceded’s internal business is happening at a 13 Crores ratio, and Andhra’s business is happening around 37 Crores ratio. The Total Andhra Pradesh business will be 50 Crores and Nizam will be valued at 25 Crores approx. ROI+ Overseas will be in the around 15 Crores, which makes the total theatrical business to 90 Crores.
It is evident that the film, Bhola Shankar is filled with regular commercial content and a director a like Meher Ramesh who does not have much a good image as he had continuous failures. Which is why everyone expected this film will see feeble openings in the USA. However, the advance bookings for the film have recently opened in the USA, and surprisingly the bookings started on a good note.
Megastar Chiranjeevi’s brand and promotional content which hinted a pure commercial entertainer has worked the film at the USA bookings.
Sushant, Raghu Babu, Murali Sharma, Ravi Shankar, Vennela Kishore, Tulasi, Sri Mukhi, and Rashmi Gautam play significant roles in the movie. Ramabrahmam Sunkara from AK Entertainments produced this mass action entertainer. Bhola Shankar will be released on August 11, 2023.