Regina Cassandra’s career graph has been one of the impressive ones across Telugu and Tamil industries. The actress made her debut way back in 2005 in Kaadal Na Mudhal and made her Telugu debut with Siva Manasulo Shruti in 2012.
Through her 15+ year-long illustrious career Regina has truly believed in exploring diverse impactful roles. Having mastered her position as a sought actress for romantic films, she enthusiastically took on a villain role in ‘Evaru and artistically portrayed the role of the great Mrinalini Sarabhai in ‘Rocket Boys’.
This performance won numerous accolades and strongly established her position as a versatile actress to look out for. She has a bunch of exciting projects like Saakini Daakini and Nene Na in Telugu and several exciting projects in Tamil as well.
Through her upcoming film ‘Anyas tutorial’ she aims to deliver a fresh take on the psychological horror genre. This is going to be another exciting role in a genre that Regina has now achieved great name.