KGF Chapter 2 had a very limited release in Tamil Nadu due to the release of Vijay’s Beast a day before its release. But even with the limited screens, the film did wonders at the Tamil Nadu box-office. There is huge demand for tickets and even mid-night the shows got sold out for the weekend. Beast is struggling hard in the week days. Theatre owners are also interested to screen KGF Chapter 2 now.
For the 1st day, the film released in 250+ theatres, but for the 2nd week around 200 theatres are being added. This would take the total theatre count to 450+ in Tamil Nadu. This is a sensational performance. The film is already rocking whole country with its box-office performance. It broke the record held by Baahubali 2 in Kerala by grossing more than 33 crores. In AP/TS the film’s collections are close to 62 crores for 6 days. The film has already crossed the 500 marks in 4 days. It is heading towards the 1000 crore mark and may touch it easily.
The film even collected a gross of 30 crores in Tamil Nadu in 4 days. The film’s Hindi version has already crossed 200 crores gross mark and it is also on its way to cross the 300 crore mark in the coming days.