It has been 10 days since the much-anticipated meeting between Chiranjeevi and AP CM Jaganmohan Reddy was held. Post the meeting, Chiranjeevi briefed the press and said that the CM has promised him that there will be good news for Tollywood in the next 7-10 days. The megastar further added that the CM assured him that he will relook into the G.O 35.
With more than a week over since the meeting, there has been no update or even an inclination of change from the government’s side. The G.O which controlled the ticket prices much to Tollywood’s dismay has been the central point of discussion for many months now.
The AP government has stated that it is committed to the betterment of the industry as well as a common cine goer. To come to a resolution on this many meetings were held as well.
The industry is also silent now as there are no films to release. This is the main issue with the industry as they are fighting only when they have releases which is becoming an advantage for the AP government. Amidst no releases in the near future and the AP government’s total silence on the promised new G.O. it appears that the issue will get dragged much further.