Kollywood Actor Vijay is currently gearing up for his ‘one last film’ Thalapathy 69. The film directed by H. Vinoth is an official remake of the Telugu Blockbuster, Bhagavanth Kesari. The film’s shoot was also kick-started last year. The film was initially planned for release during Diwali in October this year. But, as per sources, the release now stands postponed.
The First look and the title of the film are also expected to come out this Sunday on the occasion of Republic Day. But, as said, the release of the film may be postponed for Next year’s Sankranthi if not for Diwali this year. The information regarding the release date will be revealed for this Republic Day as well.
Fans of Vijay are already down with the decision of Vijay to quit films for Politics. If the film gets postponed for next year, then they will surely miss his film this year, which hasn’t happened in recent years.