Manchu Vishnu in the latest interview revealed that at beginning Akshay Kumar rejected the role of Lord Shiva in his film, Kannappa. He also said that they then approached a Tamil Actor who did the same. Even though Vishnu did not reveal the name of the actor, the points vishnu mentioned about the interaction with the actor indicates that Suriya is the actor.
Vishnu said that this Tamil Actor rejected the film because he was already doing a historical role in his next film and didn’t like to clash with similar roles. At that time suriya committed to Karna Film in Bollywood , later it got cancelled, it’s a different story. It can be understood that Suriya is close to Mohan Babu, who also played a cameo role in his Soorarai Pottru/Aakaasam Nee Haddhu Raa. Later the team again approached Akshay Kumar with the help of Sudha Kongara and convinced him for the role.
Kannappa is made with a heavy budget and involves many actors across the Indian film industry. The film is hitting the screens on 25th April worldwide. Produced by Mohan Babu under 24 Frames Factory, the film stars Manchu Vishnu playing the role of Kannappa, a devotee of Lord Shiva. Today the team releases the look of Akshay Kumar as Lord Shiva From Kannappa