Suriya’s upcoming film, Retro which was planned for release on 10th April needs a thinking as Ajith’s Good Bad Ugly will be arriving on the same date. Official confirmation about this was also made recently by the makers. Now, with the rumors of a possible postponement of Rajinikanth’s Coolie slated for release on 1st May, Retro may occupy this release date.
Coolie which was initially planned for 1st May is speculated to have moved to Independence Day. So, Retro will be having a solo release without a clash. This date will also work big for the film which had the teaser released recently. There are no biggies for this release period with only Hit 3 starring Nani in Telugu.
Retro will definitely have a big release for this date. Suriya who tasted a bitter result with his previous film, Kanguva now looks to comeback strong with Retro. The Teaser of Retro received great applause from the audiences.
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