Sankranthi 2025 saw Venkatesh, Balakrishna and Ram Charan clash with their respective films. While Ram Charan’s Game Changer was a political action drama the one with the biggest budget and Shankar as the director, Balayya joined hands with Bobby for a commercial entertainer.
Venkatesh on the other hand reunited with Anil Ravipudi and managed to create massive buzz right from its announcement. Now with all the releases out, it appears that Sankranthiki Vasthunam is the winner of the race.
Even content-wise Sankranthiki Vasthunam received better reviews and word of mouth than other films. Box office-wise, this Venkatesh- Aishwarya Rakesh and Meenakshi Chaudhary starrer will do much more than the other two films. It is already doing double of other two films.
Daaku Maharaaj is 2nd choice for audineces has emerged as yet another Box-office success for Balayya. Game Changer, on the other hand is the least preferred option for the audience and is heading towards big failure