Sankranthiki Vasthunam starring Venkatesh is all set for release on 14th January worldwide. The film generated good buzz and hype ahead of its release with its promotional activities. The team has also recently applied for ticket hikes in AP which have now been confirmed. A G.O. has also been released officially by the AP Government.
The film will also have 6 shows on the opening day with an additional hike of ₹125 for Multiplex and ₹100 for single screen theatres. From 15th January to 23th January, the film will screen 5 shows as allowed by the Government. This comes as a big relief for the team and the film is also set for good opening for the weekend.
The Trailer of the film was also released which clocked more than 15 Million Views in 2 days showcasing the hype for the film. The film needs an okayish talk and word of mouth to become a hit taking the advantage of the festival season.
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