Pushpa 2 makers recently came up with the plan of the release of the reloaded version of the film with an additional footage of 20 minutes. Fans and Audience were excited with the news of hoping to watch the film again. The initial plan was also to release it for Sankranthi but this was deferred to disturb the other slated films. But now this turned out to be a costly mistake.
Pushpa 2 reloaded version received a very good response and the people who watched the film now understood the links that were missing from the original version. But other audience are not showing interest because of a late release with the OTT version also available. If the same reloaded version had been released on Christmas, it would have surely fetched more revenue and audience.
Some others also feel like watching this reloaded version on Netflix which is scheduled for streaming after 2 weeks. This also loses revenue for the reloaded version. The makers should have paid more interest in a prior release to absorb the revenue fully.