Pawan Kalyan reacts to Allu Arjun’s case. Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan has made some critical comments on the arrest of Allu Arjun and the stampede at Sandhya Theatre during the Pushpa 2 benefit show. He was speaking to the media in a chit-chat on Monday. He said that Allu Arjun had brought the issue to the point to this extent when it could have ended without any complication.
Pawan Kalyan hailed Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy as a dynamic leader. Revanth Reddy’s government is not like the YSRCP government. Pawan said that the government of Telangana allowed benefit shows and high ticket prices for Telugu Films and that’s why films like Pushpa 2 have got record collections.
Pawan stated that there will be difficulties when heroes go to movie theaters, and that is why though initially he went to see movies in theaters, he understood the situation and stopped doing so. The Deputy CM said that even Allu Arjun should not have gone to the theater. Pawan expressed his opinion that it would have been better if the Telangana government had gone soft in this regard. Saying that the death of a woman in a stampede at a movie theatre is saddening, Pawan said that it would have been better if the hero of the film or the producers or even the team members went to their house and supported them as soon as the incident happened. However, Pawan claimed that the hero, Allu Arjun was isolated in the incident, and he was not the only one who was at fault in the incident.
He also stated that the law does not differentiate between stars and common people, and he will not blame Revanth Reddy, the chief minister of Telangana. When Allu Arjun was arrested, got interim bail, and faced some accusations from the political leaders of Telangana, the fans and other people expected Pawan Kalyan or any other mega hero to respond, as it seemed like Allu Arjun was alone.
Now, as Pawan Kalyan reacts to Allu Arjun’s case in a diplomatic manner, we should wait and see how Allu Arjun fans and others see this response from Andhra Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister.
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