Naga Vamsi’s Slipper shot to Bollywood Criticism is the current talking point on social media. It is widely known that the recent comments of Telugu Producer Suryadevara Naga Vamsi led to some triggered reactions from the Bollywood media and industry persons. Earlier, Director Sanjay Gupta criticised Naga Vamsi for his behaviour during the roundtable discussion involving Boney Kapoor.
During the roundtable disuccsion, Veteran producer Boney was discussing the South Indian cinema’s impact on the overseas market. Vamsi interrupted him in a manner deemed disrespectful by Gupta and many netizens. Gupta described Vamsi’s attitude as ‘fake and obnoxious’. The Telugu Producer stated that the Bollywood filmmakers are making fillms only for the audiences residing in Bandra and Juhu, which was not like by Boney Kapoor.
Vamsi also claimed that Bollywood was deeply affected by the massive success of ‘Pushpa: The Rise’. He stated that the whole of Mumbai would not have slept when Allu Arjun’s film collected over Rs 80 crore in a single day. Becuase of the way he spoke, an uproar from the Bollywood media was seen on social media, lecturing him on how to respect senior filmmakers.
However, Naga Vamsi did not kept quite and gave a strong reply to a Bollywood Critic on social media. He stated no one needs to teach him any lesson about respecting elders, along with saying that he and Boney Kapoor had a healthy discussion during the roundtable. He also stated that they both shared a hug after the interview was over. Naga Vamsi’s Slipper shot to Bollywood Criticism is the current talking point on social media.
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