Tollywood Actor and son of Actor Mohan Babu, Manchu Manoj has created a ruckus again today. The Actor tried to make a visit to the Mohan Babu University in Chittoor, AP where he was denied entry by the Police following a court order. But Manoj didn’t back off condemning this behavior of the Police and his father.
He tried entering the University through the gate but was immediately stopped by Police personnel. Manoj then spoke to the media and questioned why his father and brother Manchu Vishnu were fearing to face him. He also requested them to speak to him to solve all the issues.
Manoj then went to meet Politician Nara Lokesh where the conversation reportedly lasted for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, Mohan Babu and Manchu Vishnu celebrated the Sankranthi festival in style for the past few days. The feud between them and Manchu Manoj for various reasons has been happening which is the main reason for this ruckus.