The IT department yesterday conducted raids on a few Tollywood Celebrities including noted Producer Dil Raju, Mythri Movie Makers, and other media agencies. The production companies were occupied with supplying information regarding many things to the officers. Now, the IT raids are still on for the 2nd day.
The latest addition to the raids is Director Sukumar who is enjoying the success of his Pushpa 2 which became a big blockbuster recently. The IT department looks very specific about the huge budget spent for the biggies of these production houses. It is also learned that there is a difference between the actual and speculated collection revenue of these films.
The IT officers have also taken Sukumar from the Airport to his home escorting him. We have to see how the celebrities would come out clean. The news of the further continuing of the IT raids is yet to come out. But today will also be a busy day for all the involved parties.