A big tragic incident resulting in the death of a cinematographer has taken place in the shoot of Hit 3 starring Nani. The film is being shot currently in Jammu Kashmir where KP Krishna Murthy, a 30 year old female Assistant Cinematographer suffered heart attack which claimed her life. The team went into a big shock with this incident.
Krishna was admitted to Srinagar Medical College Hospital after she was diagnosed with a chest infection on December 23. It is also known that she was prepared to be shifted to a general ward before her untimely death. Her funeral is also said to be held in her home town Perumbavoor. This is really a heartening news for the film unit.
A poster was also released recently on Christmas where Nani was spotted with a horse in snow scenario indicating it to be Kashmir now. The technician was also part of this shoot where she had to suffer the heart attack.
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