All eyes are now set on Ram Charan’s Game Changer, the next pan-India biggie from Tollywood. This is Ram Charan’s first lead hero film since RRR which was released back in 2022. And even though Indian 2 failed, the audience has a strong belief that Shankar can give a strong comeback with Game Changer.
So far, three songs have been released from the film and the latest song Naanaa Hyraanaa was received well by the audience. The team announced a big pre-release event next in America. Gradually, the buzz is now increasing for the film and it is carrying positive reports in industry circles.
Game Changer is reportedly going to be continuously engaging and will carry vintage Shankar’s mark commercial message. Even the runtime looks decent with 160-165 minutes. This is perfect for a commercial film.
Coming to the movie, the flashback portions with older Ram Charan along with emotional scenes have come out well. This segment is also packed with fights and mass confrontation scenes which will engage the viewers. Game Changer is likely to be a Shivaji kind of commercial film from Shankar. If this report is true, then we can see another rampage at box-office from Tollywood.
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