Daaku Maharaaj starring Balakrishna is gearing up for release on 12th January worldwide. The film is in the final stages of post production works and the pre-release events of the film were also held recently. The makers have addressed the media today where they confirmed that Daaku Maharaaj will have no release in theatres in Hindi version.
The team also clarified that only the Tamil version of Daaku Maharaaj will release in theatres adding that censor was not yet done for the same. This means that the Tamil version of the film may release simultaneously with the Telugu version or may release later. But when it comes to Hindi version, the film will release only on the OTT platform.
The team expressed super confidence about the result of the film. Producer of the film, Naga Vamsi has also stated that they were not expecting hiked ticket prices for the film and were completely fine with the regular pricing.
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