Prithviraj Sukumaran’s epic survival drama film Aadujeevitham (2024) took the box office by storm. Titled ‘The Goat Life’ in Telugu, the film emerged as a huge blockbuster, shattering multiple records worldwide. Directed by Blessy, here are the film’s final box-office figures (gross):
Kerala: ₹79 crore
ROI: ₹20 crore
Overseas: ₹59 crore
Total: ₹158 crore
Verdict: Huge blockbuster
It is the third highest-grossing Malayalam film of all time, only behind Manjummel Boys (2024) and Tovino Thomas’s 2018 (2023). Adapted from a novel of the same name, Aadjujeevitham features Amala Paul as the female lead, with music composed by A. R. Rahman. The film is now streaming on Disney+ and Hotstar in five languages.